Research Blog
Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, particularly from devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi routers, is an integral part of modern life, yet...
As the waves of technological progress increase in speed, so is 5G—the fifth generation of cellular networks—and then 6G coming...
Over the past few decades, exposure to artificial radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has significantly increased, leading to growing scientific...
EMF radiations affect the navigation, migration, behavior, and health of birds.
According to this research by Dr Havas, some individuals are hypersensitive to microwave radiation and respond when they are exposed to levels...
Wireless technologies producing electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation can have detrimental health impacts on young people, including cognitive and behavioral...
The paper reviews the epidemiological evidence on the potential carcinogenic effects of low-frequency electromagnetic fields, finding the evidence is strongly...
This paper argues that non-ionizing radiation, including ELF EMF and RF radiation, can cause cancer through mechanisms of free-radical damage...