Interviews and Podcasts

Directory of interviews and podcasts discussing the various implications of manmade EMF radiation and its counterparts.

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Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation has created worries about its possible impact on human health, particularly the nervous system. Recent study suggests that extended exposure to EMF radiation might disrupt cellular function, increase oxidative stress, and alter neurotransmitter levels, resulting in cognitive deficits, mood problems, and sleep disruptions. Furthermore, EMF radiation may weaken the blood-brain barrier, making the brain more susceptible to toxins and contributing to neurodegenerative illnesses. This article investigates the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation on the brain and neurological system

Technological advances of mankind, through the development of electrical and communication technologies, have resulted in the exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields (EMF). Technological growth is expected to continue; as such, the amount of EMF exposure will continue to increase steadily. In particular, the use-time of smart phones, that have become a necessity for modern people, is steadily increasing. This article provide a concise overview of the mental and neurological impacts of exposure to RF-EMF.

Electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation, particularly from devices like smartphones and Wi-Fi routers, is an integral part of modern life, yet concerns about its potential impact on human health are growing. This article examines the emerging research on the effects of EMF radiation on memory function. Several studies suggest that prolonged exposure to EMF radiation may impair memory by altering brain activity, increasing oxidative stress, and potentially disrupting the blood-brain barrier.

In recent years, scalar waves, a field of electromagnetic phenomena that is relatively obscure and enigmatic, have gathered attention due to their potential applications in medicine and healing. These waves are distinguished from conventional electromagnetic waves by their non-Hertzian nature, which implies that they do not oscillate in the conventional sinusoidal pattern. Their distinctive character allows them to interact with biological systems in a manner that has the potential for therapeutic applications. This article explores the changing landscape of medical research and the practical applications of scaler waves in medicine and healing.

As the waves of technological progress increase in speed, so is 5G—the fifth generation of cellular networks—and then 6G coming to raise speed and connectivity to a wholly new level. These networks use millimeter wave frequencies to send large data bundles at very low latency. These higher frequency bands have raised several serious concerns about the implications for human health and environmental welfare.
Over the past few decades, exposure to artificial radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has significantly increased, leading to growing scientific and social interest in their impact on health. Weak EMFs directly penetrate living things, causing non-thermal effects on tissues, cells, and organs. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a syndrome characterized by ambiguous symptoms attributed to anthropogenic electromagnetic fields, resulting in headaches, asthenia, mood disorders, dizziness, sleep disturbances, skin diseases, and mental disorders. The purpose of this review is to provide a quick overview of current understanding of EMH as well as the actual hazards connected with EMF exposure.

According to this research by Dr Havas, some individuals are hypersensitive to microwave radiation and respond when they are exposed to levels well below federal guidelines (5 microW/cm2 or 0.5% of guidelines in Canada & U.S.). During real time monitoring of the heart some individuals experienced an  irregular heart rate or a rapid heart rate that occurred only during provocation and not during sham exposure (when the radiation was off).  This  is the first study showing such dramatic and repeatable results.