Frequently asked questions

How Can Fique Make Made-To-Measure Garments?

After purchase of any Fique product, we will send a link to get yourself measured by Artificial Intelligence. With just two pictures from your mobile device, measurements will be calculated. Alternatively, there is the option to manually provide measurements by filling in a form.

Is EMF Radiation Harmful?

EMF's exist naturally as part of nature, but there are also EMF's that are emitted from man-made devices. There has been research that has been conducted that proves EMF's that are emitted from various devices such as mobile phone and cellular towers, microwaves etc can be harmful.

To find out more about EHS please visit ESUK (Elastoresistivity Charity)

What is SilverShield?

SilverShield is Freedom Fabrics proprietary name for protective fabrics such as the Silver weaved fabric that is incorporated into Fique clothing.

Silver Linings The Film

To bring awareness of the harmful effects of technology, The Silver Thread Campaign encompasses a film named 'The Silver Linings'. Available to watch soon.

What is The Elegant Initiative

The Elegant Initiative is a influencer, fashion activist and talent management platform, that has a global retail store harboring fashion activist brands. Fique has built by The Elegant Initiative Team as a fashion activist brand that brings awareness of the harmful impacts of technology.

Can I Measure EMF Around The Area Where I Live?

Yes, our store sells EMF meters that can be bought and soon home products for protection from harmful EMF's

What Was The Inspiration For Fique?

After conducting research and interviewing individuals, we found that there are individuals who are sensitive to EMF and are medically termed as Electromagnetic hypersensitive (EHS).

EMF effects various people differently, a majority of people don't even notice the impact caused by EMF on their health until they are made aware about it. Fique was made to cater for (EHS) people and also as a chic athleticwear brand.

Interviews and Testimonials

Visit our testimonials page to find out more about EMF and real life experiences of people with EHS,

Research Into The Harmful Effects of EMF Radiation

Fique Research

Click Here to view our research page which consists of Interviews, Discussions, Podcasts and Research Papers.

Dr Magda Havas

Dr Magda Havas conducts research on the biological effects of non-ionizing frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum. This includes extremely low frequency (ELF) EMFs; intermediate frequencies (IF) commonly referred to as dirty electricity; radio frequency and microwave radiation (EMR); infrared radiation (IR); and light frequencies including ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Visit Dr Madga Havas' Website

Electrosensitivity UK Charity

Electrosensitivity UK, or ES-UK, was founded as a charity in 2003. It has grown steadily since then, as more and more people have become sensitised to electromagnetic energy from Wi-Fi, mobile phones, mobile phone masts, wireless smart meters, cordless phones and other electronic devices. The trustees are mostly electrosensitive themselves.

Visit Electro-Senstivity UK Website

Prof. Olle Johansson

Lecture Provided by Proffesor Olle Johansson, providing a lecture about the harmful impacts of EMF

Watch Lecture

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